Untangle Relationship Knots
with Couples Therapy

Deepen your connection and tie up the loose ends in your relationship with relationship counseling at Therapy Ties.

Unravel Relationship Struggles

Couples therapy at Therapy Ties in-person in Woodland Hills, CA or online offers a safe and supportive environment where you and your partner can address underlying issues, improve communication, and strengthen your relationship. By working with a skilled therapist, you’ll untangle relationship knots, develop effective coping strategies, and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.

Navigating the complexities of a romantic relationship can be challenging, and sometimes, couples encounter hurdles that seem insurmountable on their own. If you find yourselves facing recurring conflicts, communication breakdowns, or a sense of disconnection in your relationship, relationship counseling and emotionally-focused therapy could be the transformative solution you need. 

We understand that seeking therapy can feel like a big step, which is why we’ve compiled a list of common relationship issues below. Consider these points as a guide to help you determine if couples therapy is the right path for you and your partner:

  • Communication breakdowns: Difficulty effectively expressing needs, concerns, or emotions, leading to frequent misunderstandings and arguments.
  • Persistent conflicts: Recurring disagreements or unresolved issues that create tension and strain the relationship.
  • Emotional distance: Feeling disconnected or emotionally distant from your partner, lacking intimacy and closeness.
  • Trust issues: Betrayal, infidelity, or breaches of trust that have damaged the foundation of the relationship.
  • Life transitions: Major life changes such as marriage, parenthood, career shifts, or relocation, causing stress and strain on the relationship.
  • Intimacy issues: Lack of physical or emotional intimacy, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnection.
  • Parenting disagreements: Conflicts or disagreements regarding parenting styles, discipline, or family dynamics.
  • Loss of connection: Feeling disconnected or drifting apart from your partner, unsure of how to reignite the spark in your relationship.
  • Uncertainty about the future: Doubts or concerns about the long-term viability of the relationship, leading to anxiety or indecision.

If you are experiencing any of these issues above, it may be time to consider seeking help with a couples therapist.

Empowering Healthy Relationships Through Self-Understanding and More

In order to unlock deeper connection and understanding through Couples Therapy, we work on defining personal values, enhanced communication skills, relationship deepening exercises, and root cause resolution, paving the way for lasting transformation in your partnership.

Improved Understanding of Personal Desires

At Therapy Ties, our philosophy is rooted in the fundamental belief that every relationship begins with the relationship we have with ourselves. We understand that before we can effectively communicate and connect with our partner, we must first understand our own individual wants, needs, hopes, and desires. It is only by gaining insight into our own inner world that we can navigate our relationships with authenticity and intentionality. By prioritizing self-awareness and self-discovery, we empower individuals to cultivate healthy, fulfilling partnerships built on mutual understanding, respect, and genuine connection.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Our couples therapy focuses on untying communication knots, allowing you and your partner to express yourselves more effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and build a stronger foundation for your relationship. Through guided exercises and techniques, you’ll learn active listening, empathy, and constructive ways to communicate your needs and desires.

Root Cause Resolution

Our therapy sessions delve beneath surface-level issues to address the root causes of your relationship challenges. By exploring past experiences, underlying beliefs, and patterns of behavior, you’ll untie the knots that contribute to conflict and disconnection. This deeper understanding allows for lasting change and transformation in your relationship.

Experience Lasting Transformation
in Your Partnership

Couples therapy at Therapy Ties in-person in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, or online provides you and your partner with the tools, insights, and support needed to navigate challenges, untangle relationship ties, and create a fulfilling and harmonious relationship. Through a combination of therapeutic techniques and personalized guidance, you’ll learn to navigate conflicts, cultivate empathy and understanding, and build a relationship grounded in love, trust, and mutual respect.

Get in Touch Today

  1. Schedule Your Appointment: Contact us to schedule your free phone consultation.
  2. Connect with Your Therapist: Meet with your therapist Liron to discuss your goals and challenges.
  3. Begin Transforming Your Relationship: Receive ongoing guidance, support, and tools to sustain positive changes and continue growing together as a couple.

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Couples therapy

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Offering therapy in English and Hebrew
in Woodland Hills, CA and online for residents of California